You have a 30 day window to return items from the date of delivery. Items must be unused, not show signs of fitment and be in their original packaging for a refund. Return shipping is the responsibility of the customer. If you receive a damaged or incorrect product, please inform us within 2 days. To begin the returns process please see: Return Application
Upon inspecting your return, we'll email you the approval or rejection. Once approved, expect a full refund to your original payment method in 2-5 working days. In the unfortunate instance that a return is rejected, we reserve the right to offer a partial refund or refuse a refund.
Powerbronze products are made to order at the customer's request and can only be returned if they are faulty or supplied incorrectly. If you cancel your order after it has been shipped or received by us but not yet dispatched, a 25% cancellation fee may apply.
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