Beginner's Guide To Motorcycle Tail Tidies
Motorcycles come with a licence plate holder readily installed and while that saves the expense of trying to source one, they certainly are not the most aesthetically pleasing.
Fear not, there is no need for your motorbike’s rear to be consumed by a licence plate holder and that is because there is an alternative. You simply need to swap that clunky holder for a much more refined motorcycle tail tidy.
It is all well and good saying the tail tidy is a solution to this particular problem, but it is only natural to elaborate further. So, on that note, what do tail tidies have to offer and why are they an upgrade?
What Is A Motorcycle Tail Tidy?
Motorcycle tail tidies fit to the rear of the motorbike and are designed to act as a replacement of the original licence plate holder. They are used to upgrade the aesthetics of the rear end, providing a clean look, minimal design and sporty appearance.
Why Does My Motorcycle Need A Tail Tidy?

Motorcycle tail tidies: an instant aesthetics upgrade.
Tail tidies are an upgrade on the stock licence plate holder that comes as standard on a motorcycle. The standard holders can often look oversized and can easily become the focal point of the view at the rear of the motorcycle, detracting from the aesthetic value. Thankfully, tail tidies exist to combat that exact issue, drastically improving the appearance of the motorcycle with a clean, modern and significantly less bulky look.
Although they do clean up the rear of the motorbike and replace the stock licence plate holder, tail tidies do not impact the indicators. In fact, they allow you to maintain the original indicators, avoiding the need to go to the expense of buying a new set and while they can also be fitted to the original mounting points with a minimum of fuss.
Not only do tail tidies offer a minimalist look, they are also lightweight with a streamlined design that allows them to improve aerodynamics, minimising the impact of wind and reducing drag. With this leading to a smoother ride it is just one of many boxes ticked by the addition of a tail tidy.
What Are The Best Motorcycle Tail Tidies?
Amongst the wide collection of motorcycle tail tidies out there on the market, there is one brand’s offering that stands out in particular and that is the Puig tail tides.
Puig’s range of tail tidies are designed and tested specifically for each motorcycle and are manufactured using a steel material with a finish that consists of epoxy with part-polyamide. This combination allows them to be durable, long-lasting and lightweight and as mentioned, one of the key selling points of a tail tidy is the reduction in weight offered to the rear of the motorbike.
Moreover, with tail tides allowing you to maintain the original indicators, Puig tail tidies are no different but even go a step further with the option to add a set of Puig’s indicators. This provides an extra element of customisation to further enhance aesthetics, exchanging the standard indicators for a new set that are better suited to your personal taste or an option that can compliment the appearance of the motorcycle.
You should now be more familiar with the job of a motorcycle tail tidy and what it has to offer and to put it plainly, if you do decide to upgrade your standard licence planet holder to a tail tidy, the only question you will be asking yourself is “where have these been all my life?”
Yes, they are an added expense but the benefits far outweigh the extra cost. The aesthetic enhancement is a plus on its own but they become even more attractive when factoring in their lightweight nature and convenient installation.